Monday, November 19, 2007

What do You Give a God Who has Everything? –Kenny Anderson

These are my notes from Dad’s sermon yesterday. He did his sermon by going through Ps.116 and expounding on each verse (you can read the whole passage by clicking on any one of the references below and above). But Verse 12 was his main one. It’s in honor of thanksgiving which is right around the corner!

Ps. 116:12-“What shall I render to the Lord, for all his benefits to me?” What can we give God for all that He has given us? What can we give someone who has everything, who gives all? God gives us everything, what can we give Him that is already not His? Are we grateful for all His benefits?

Let us name a few-

  • God- the Trinity. We are given the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Covenant- we are blessed to be in a formal relationship with God.
  • Life- He sustains and gives every breath we take.
  • Day- The opportunity to live another day.
  • Family- We normally don’t pick our families. God gives us to them, and if it turns out bad, He may give us another chance. “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” Prov. 18:22. “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Ps. 127:3. Family is indeed one of the greatest blessings ever given. Limbs- What would we do without our elbows or thumbs?·
  • Nature- The beauty of creation. God could have made everything grey, but instead He made variety, color and beauty.
  • Our Five Senses- The ability to taste, smell, see, hear and touch are a great blessing.
  • Animals- pets and animals to eat…though I prefer pets.
  • Thought- To be able to process thought, do philosophy and so on, are a great aspect that God has blessed us with.
All these and things and many more, as matter of fact everything is from God! Everything in this world is of God. How can we repay Him? We are only stewards of His stuff. Everything we own is His and is given to us as a blessing, we own nothing that is not His already.

Look at the next verse in the Psalms- “I will lift up the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord.” Ps. 116:13.
We can only take His cup of salvation and be thankful for it. Praise Him for saving us. Salvation is a free gift from God, we did nothing to deserve and can do nothing to earn it. We can only accept it as thanks to all the blessings from God.

Christ needs nothing nor will take anything from us. But we need Him and His cup of salvation. Christ took the cup of wrath and has given us the cup of righteousness. He took the cup we deserved and gave us we we don't deserve.
So take it, lift it up, and honor Him.

Ps.116 is all about being grateful for the grace of God.
Be grateful for the grace of God.

What blessings have you received from the grace of God? Please…tell me :)

1 comment:

Grandma of Many said...

I love your site Kaila. Thanks for the info on Thanksgiving and the pictures of the party. You all made it such a special day and I was totally blessed. It was so wonderful having all of the grandchildren and children here at Thanksgiving. The talent and the food were tremendous and we have so much to be thankful for. Thank you Kaila for the play on my birthday and I will continue to tell everyone I have 30 grandchildren as you all have told me to. I love you and your gift of writing.
Grandma Dot