Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A video I could watch all day long : )

I don't know why I like this, but I do.

Pictures I Took

This rose picture is my favorite.

I sorta have an infatuation with taking pictures of flowers, and seeing that dad has a very good camera some actually turned out okay.
So here are some and I'll post more later....what do you think? Which is your favorite?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is David's 15th Birthday.

He has been such an awesome cousin to me. Yesterday we were all playing music after church and I gave him the chords to a song and in 10 min. he had it all figured out and it sounded beautiful. He sure is gifted when it comes to the piano.
We always call each other and ask questions about apologetics, what books are you reading, ipod stuff and so on.
He is one cool cousin.

Two days ago was Johnathan Kruses birthday as well. He turned 3 years old, and is the cutest three year old alive.

The True Role of Womanhood pt. 3 of 3

We need all the mothers to return to the home and their neglected children.

Los Angeles police Chief Edward M. Davis said in an address to the Los Angeles Breakfast Club, “crime is going to continue to go up, up, up,” primarily because of “the new morality which condones lying, stealing and killing. Mothers should stay home to instill old-fashioned values in their children.

“If you don’t have that culture in which to bring up that young human with love and discipline, he’s going to become some sort of savage if he wants to,” Davis said.

The wages of sin is death. And the fruit of feminism will always be destruction-dividing families, corrupting churches, and destroying our nation. Women must return to their homes, for it is what God designed us for, to be home keepers.

What people don’t understand today is that a true home keeper is more than just that. They don’t understand that to be a mother you must have the greatest strength and faith. They think that it’s just changing diapers, cleaning dishes, and potty training. It’s much much more than that. A true home keeper is all that you can think of-teacher, nurse, cook, baker, dress designer, secretary of her husband’s papers, seamstress, and home designer. God designed woman with great strength, a home keeper is not some weak person. She is strong, she must do all these duties daily, and God has equipped her with the strength and faith to do so. Then at the end of a day she is there for her husband when he returns from a trying day in the world, so to say. A home keeper is far more than the picture that society paints today, she is a true woman, fulfilling God’s plan for her life, and when she does He will give her the strength to endure all. Indeed she is the true woman after God’s own heart.

A mother is the one who trains her children alongside her husband. What would many of our great men be if there mothers were not at the home, if they were out doing their things-jobs, college, and making sermons. They would not have the time that they did to pour into their children moral character and a love for the word of God. Remember the saying that “the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” This is our calling in taking dominion-to teach our boys a biblical worldview and to equip our daughters with house keeping tasks and to set before them an example. And this takes true strength, it’s a true challenge, its God’s calling for women. And we must all follow this true path of the role of womanhood. But don’t just settle for being a keeper at home make it your conviction. Your passion, it will be hard, for that was the curse put on woman. But God will not abandon you on the calling that he has sent you on.

Don't follow the worlds thinking that women should be equal with men. God made woman for a distinct role in life-a life that takes much inward strength and faith. Men and woman all play a part in the turning of this world back to God – men go out into the world and woman raise up the next world changers-their children. Man up top and the woman behind him, for she is the behind the scenes person. And “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” Follow God’s role for womanhood. Follow the true calling of the woman.

The End

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fish Hatchery Field Trip

Katrina driving us there :)

Cool Shades!

Picnic Time!!!
After we had finished the field trip we had lunch at a park on the river.

Swim Time!
After we ate we all went swimming in the creek just off the river. It was fun until the kids found some crawdads and a snake-then I was right out of there.

Dry off time

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The True Role of Womanhood pt. 2 of 3

3. Trainer/teacher- Eph.6:4b “bring them (children) up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”-We are to teach our children the law of God and his plan for their lives. But before that we must love the scripture, we must read it daily so that it will be written on our hearts, before we try to teach our children them. We are to immerse ourselves the word of God.

4. A demonstration of unfading beauty -1 Peter 3:4 “Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” Inward beauty is not argumentative, contradicting, harsh, loud and crude. A beautiful woman is one who has a quiet and submissive spirit, one who is content-there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is content to be under her husband’s authority, to be a house keeper. These things are precious to God, for they are what He designed a woman to be, and when we obey Him, He is very pleased.

5. To be quiet in the church- 1 Cor. 14:34 “Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says.” Earlier I said that feminism was getting into the churches, and it is. We know have woman pastors, women who want to be equal with man, women who are not only talking in the churches, but who are leading the churches, teaching the churches. Paul said in 1 Tim.2:12 , in context of the role of men and women in the church that- “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” Paul says that the women are not to teach the men. And the reason is added: For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, was in the transgression, v. 13, 14. She fell first, and was the means of seducing the husband. She was given to be a helper, but proved a most grievous hinderer, even the instrument of his fall and ruin. Woman being ordained pastors shows that they do not wish for God’s plan for their life, but their own.

Woman of this type say that they are only trying to Christianize America, and the more churches the better, whether they be men preachers or woman preachers. The position that woman have in our society is not going one of liberation its one of rebellion against God’s Word. We’re not going to take our culture back in continuing in our rebellion, or by trying to Christianize it. Doug Phillips-“Christian feminism is an oxy moron.” How do we expect to turn America back towards God’s laws, when our own churches don’t obey them? Woman must be silent in the church, they are not to preach, or have authority over man.

So here we see that woman are to be a helper, homemaker, teacher, are to posses unfading beauty that of a gentle and quiet spirit and to be silent in the church. We do not see the Bible instructing us to go get a degree, to work outside our homes. Our duty is to the home and family, our ministry is to the home. We are not to go into the world and serve there, but to the homes. We need all the mothers to return to the home and their neglected children.

Los Angeles
police Chief Edward M. Davis said in an address to the Los Angeles Breakfast Club, “crime is going to continue to go up, up, up,” primarily because of “the new morality which condones lying, stealing and killing. Mothers should stay home to instill old-fashioned values in their children. If you don’t have that culture in which to bring up that young human with love and discipline, he’s going to become some sort of savage if he wants to,” Davis said.

The wages of sin is death. And the fruit of feminism will always be destruction-dividing families, corrupting churches, and destroying our nation. Women must return to their homes, for it is what God designed us for, to be home keepers.

To be continued...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Karissa's Birthday Party!

Getting ready to bowl!

Levi, Jared, and Drew

A new Camera!!!

Hanging out after it was all over :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Biblical Worldview Classes

Our Church would like to invite you to a series of Worldview classes held at our Church, by Kenny Anderson.

We shall be studying-
A Biblical Worldview.
Defending the Faith
Counter Worldviews

They are held every Monday from 2-4pm, starting now. All ages welcome.
We are starting with individual sermons and lessons and may get into a whole series of a subject.

No fee, everyone is welcome.
The address is:
540 W. Dutton rd. Eagle Point, Or.
We are just right outside of White City. Only 15 min. from Medford.
For more info e-mail Kenny Anderson at

We hope you will come and be equipped to give a defense of the hope that is within you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The True Role of Womanhood pt. 1 of 3

The True Role of Womanhood

By Kaila Anderson

In our society today, even among the churches and Christians, girls and teens are pushed to have a career outside the home when they graduate from high school. To go to college, and be equal with men. Whether to be a teacher, nurse, lawyer, policeman (woman), entrepreneur, and so on. I often am asked if I plan to go to college, or what I want to do with my life, what kind of profession I want to have. It is the mind set of people and young girls today; they don’t seem to think about staying home, it’s not normal. Why even the other day I was talking to a good friend of my younger years, we were best friends, but we sort of lost touch as the years went on. But she was attending college and planned to go into the nursing field, and she asked if I had plans for college. I was shocked, and sad, I had thought that they believed as we did-that the place of a woman is in the home.

Not only does our society try to push woman outside the home, but they put a negative emphasis on stay at home moms and home keepers. Everything is centered towards women being equal with men; but is this so? Is this a biblical approach to the duty of the woman? Are we supposed to go to college and leave the shelter of our fathers and homes and go into the world, get jobs and careers outside the home?

Prov.7 tells us the characteristics of the adulteress, and in verse 11b it says “her feet would not stay at home.” It’s the seductress who leaves her home, who goes out into the world, not the virtuous girl. She stays under the shelter of her father’s home, under his authority. So should any woman/girl go into the world, go to college, get a degree and a career outside the home? –NO. But, if she is not to go to college, then what else is she suppose to do. There doesn’t seem any other option for her role in life.

Here are 5 passages that define the role of womanhood (taken from the “victory for daughters’ cd from vision forum)

1. Helper -Gen.2:18, 21 “And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone;  I will make him a helper comparable to him. 21 And the Lord God caused a  deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman.” Now a day everyone wants to be the chief and no one wants to be the Indians. But to be a helper should be desired, after all what would a chief be without his Indians. The whole reason we were created was to be a helper, from the beginning of time we were called to help our mate, whether that be our husbands, fathers, mothers, siblings. We, as girls, are to help. We are the back bone, as the phrase goes “behind every great man is a great woman.”

The impact a helper has is huge, we are the one who works behind the scenes. God knew that Adam couldn't do it on his own so he created him a helper-us women. We can change the world by encouraging and elevating our husbands to their highest calling. I know that every girl can do this because they were created for this very reason.

2.Homemaker -Titus 2:4 “that they (older women) admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good,  obedient to their own husbands,  that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”

“Love”- it’s a decision not an emotion. Love your family now, your father, mother, siblings. So that you will love your husband and children. Your husband and children will let you down, they aren’t perfect. So you must choose now to love when they let you down.

“be discreet and chaste”- Show good judgment and be pure in all your thoughts.”

“Home makers”- we are to care for the home. We should learn now what home keeping is, not preparing for college. Too often girls leave the task of keeping the house up to their mothers, but learn now to like it, help your mother. And learn what really makes a home a home. This is our true calling- home keepers.

“Husbands”-a girl is to always be under authority, first under her father then her husband. We are to submit to them and obey them.
Col.3:18 “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.”
Eph. 5:22 “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife.”

"that the Word of God may not be blasphemed"- all Christians say that they have never broking the 3rd commandment (Don't take God's name in vain). But there is more to that commandment. We can break it in our every day living. We can break it by not being who God called us to be-homemakers and helpers.

God has put us under authority and we are to submit to it willingly, it is a blessing. We are not to go tramping off to college, away from our fathers protection, we are to stay there and serve him until we are married, and then serve our husbands and be homemakers. There is nothing more satisfying than this calling.

To be continued....

Monday, August 13, 2007

Future Posts

Future Post-

  1. Self-Control- Joseph vs. Rueban
  2. True Womanhood-an essay thing I wrote
  3. Notes from my Dad's sermons
  4. What is Government?
  5. Questions about Prayer (questions thanks to Jason West)
  6. "Are you a true Christian?" -a little test thing.
  7. 4 dynamic questions to make one really examine their worldview, by Bill Jack
  8. "There is a God" a song by 33 Miles. A very impacting song, I have to share it.
And so many other things.
Oh, yeah, I have a new feature-Cousin of the week, check it out :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Day in the Sun

Look at that adorable face
He just loved the sun. He kept arching back and trying to soak it all in.

Pics of Noah

I really like this picture. You can see the love that Grandpa Ken and Grandma Dot have for their grandkids. They had just gotten back from Bora Bora and had not seen Noah yet, except for on the blogs. The very day they got back Grandma took Des and Karissa shopping for him-and boy did he get spoiled. He is going to be one handsome man.

A proud big sister :)