Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Koltens 13th Birthday!!!

lately we've been celebrating Koltens 13th birthday. WOW, can you believe he's already a teen, its so cool. He had all our family over to play soccer, and he decided to end the game by running into me and bending back (pretty hard too) my knee and making it crack real hard. But it was still a lot of fun, even though my team didn't win : ( . Everyone was so generous with their gifts, he got a lot a cool, and unique things. He also got a ATV from my parents and Grandpa Ken and Grandma Dot. So, as you can guess, the party didn't end until it was running and everyone got a ride or two. It was so funny to see all the kids forming a big line to go on, and Kolten sure wasn't greedy with it. Today just our family has been riding it. Phineas LOVES to run alongside it, he'll start barking if you slow down : ). Mom even rode it and Mummu (my moms mom). There are a few pics here.
God has sure blessed me with such an awesome and cool brother.

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